Using LATEX 2.09

The old LATEX 2.09 system is no longer distributed with . LATEX users should seriously consider switching to the new LATEX; it can typeset LATEX 2.09 documents in ``compatibility'' mode. If you have the old LATEX system from an earlier version of and you want to use it alongside the new LATEX, then the best approach is to edit the LaTeX209.config and LaTeX.config files in the Configs folder and make any necessary changes to the input_folders list. Just before running TEX, will load <format>.config if it exists in the same folder as the input file, so move the .config files into the same folder(s) as your LATEX documents. Make sure all your old LATEX documents start with ``%&LaTeX209'' and the corresponding format file is called LaTeX209.fmt. Similarly, start all your new LATEX documents with ``%&LaTeX''.